Sunday, May 18, 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2 Review

♪ Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can
Spins a web any size
Catches thieves just like flies
Look out, here comes the Spiderman ♫

(Check out the retro Spiderman theme song!

The Amazing Spiderman 2 came out a little while back. Apparently full of beautiful special effects, my brother and I left for the theatre and went to go see ol' Spidey for ourselves! Like with Captain America: Winter Soldier, I'll give a quick spoiler-free summary of the movie and outline the pros and cons to the movie in my opinion. Again, this is because a movie is only as good as the viewer. If someone hates superhero movies and were to see this, they'd absolutely despise it. If a regular person were to see this, they might also hate for their own reasons. For me, I really enjoyed this movie! Andrew Garfield plays a pretty awesome Spidey. Well anyways, chacun son goût. Let's get started with the review!


The movie takes place about two years after Amazing Spiderman 1 (we can tell because the protagonists were in highschool in this movie's prequel and are now graduating). So Peter Parker is still with Gwen Stacy... Kind of. The promise he made to Gwen's father in the previous movie is still kinda haunting him. He's conflicted whether or not to stay with her or to stay away. Furthermore, a seemingly innocent and unimportant character; Max Dillon, somehow finds his way into a giant mess of things. Then Peter's childhood friend pops up, couple-issues with Gwen and Peter and one of the biggest side-plots: Peter's parents. I won't delve into too much, but there's a lot going on here.


  • The movie was solid! You really can feel all the characters emotion and how everything is falling (... wow, too soon me. Too soon.) into place. Most of the loose ends get tied up and movie is very enjoyable to watch
  • To make reference to what I just said: actors. FANTASTIC! Characters feel real and I felt I could sympathize with all of them
  • Stan Lee is there, and that's always nice.
  • The new villain, Electrode, is scary and twisted and dark. Fantastically played by Jamie Foxx despite me feeling that it was awkward at first. The awkwardness was his CHARACTER. Again, character department is awesome.
  • Side plot of Peter's parents adds a bit of depth. The backstory of a hero is always appreciated
  • Did you notice that Spiderman was really funny and sarcastic? GOOD! That's how he's SUPPOSED to be!
  • This movie was funny! Lots of times the theatre started laughing, which is always appreciated.
  • Visual effects are STUNNING. A beautiful colour palette was chosen by the creators/designers of the movie and it really goes a long way
  • This movie has a lot left open for more movies, which is great - more Spidey for everybody!


    The main problem, I feel, was the quick drop of plot and characters. Yes, both these aspects of the movie were very good. But the minute Peter discovers the truth about his parents, it feels like he drops it too quickly. "Oh my parents were really like this? Okay then, back to doing something else!" It felt that there was no thought about it once the truth was set free. Also, Max Dillon. He's a sweet awkward guy at the very beginning and the transition between him and Electrode seems WAY too sudden. Also, where did he come up with all that stuff about him being in a merciless and cold, dark place? And where did he get the idea for Electrode? Was he planning this? Why does it seem, all of a sudden, so clear? I thought he didn't like hurting people, and now all of a sudden he feels like being a God? What?
  • Do you like Gwen? ... You'll see why.
Have you seen this movie yet? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments!

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