Sunday, May 25, 2014

Godzilla Review

(Check out Godzilla's old movie theme! )

This remake of the classic film; Godzilla, came out a while ago. Wanting to see the remake of the classic movie (and to see how it stacked up to all the hype) I saw it with my brother and frankly, I enjoyed every bit of it! Like my previous reviews, I'll give a brief, spoiler-free synopsis of the movie and highlight my personal pros and cons of the film. This, again, is so that you may judge for yourselves whether or not this movie is good. Personally, I enjoyed this movie (as I mostly do) so I'll do my best to make things as clear cut as possible so that you can decide whether or not to see Big G himself!


The movie takes place in a variety of locations, but first takes place in Japan 15 years before the main storyline. The parents of the protagonist, Ford, work in a nuclear reactor when something bizarre happens and kills his mom. Fast forward to the main storyline in San Francisco, we find out that Ford's father, Peter, suspects that something unnatural caused the "accident" at the plant. They go to Japan, discover a government cover up, are arrested, Peter dies, (this isn't a spoiler, it happens after 15 minutes) and the whole thing suddenly explodes into a monster vs. monster fight. Though this summary seems very short, that is the basic premise of the movie, but don't worry, it's full of explosions, tension and amazing and beautiful special effects.


-The nice thing about this version of Godzilla is that the monsters are scientificially explained (in a brief, acceptable way) so that modern movie goers aren't wondering why Godzilla came about all of a sudden
-The sets that are used are beautiful! The coastal town in Japan and bright, sunny San Francisco was very pleasing to the eye
-Characters are realistic with feelings, worries and concerns we can relate to
-Special effects are great! Godzilla looks menacing as always.
-This movie is fast-paced, which is good since people don't want to get bored with everything.
-When you realize that there's an unexpected hero


-"Wait!" You call out, "you got the character's names wrong in your summary!" Yeah, well, sorry about that. But the thing is the characters don't really stick with you. There is so little character developement that in the death of Ford's father, you don't feel sad for him. We hardly even knew him! It sucks that your dad died Ford, but I didn't really feel anything since we've only known him for 20 minutes. ...Sorry.
-Characters can sometimes be too monotone. In (assuming the name's right) Peter's death scene, I don't remember Ford being too sad. Maybe he was, but it might've been too suttle to remember.
-Movie feels too fast in the emotional parts
-Godzilla is OP

Sulli Events! The Annual Carnival

On Thursday, May 22nd, Sullivan hosted the annual carnival. With a great turn out and a bright, fun and busy atmosphere, the school's Co-Op Class, Junior Leadership and Student Council did an amazing job of entertaining everyone! Although, there was a bit of a rough start...

Almost immediately after starting, the carnival was abruptly interrupted by a fire alarm! Staff, student and visitors were thoroughly surprised. Thankfully, the volunteers and staff did an amazing job in keeping people calm and directing them to nearby exits in an orderly and calm fashion. After waiting outside for a few minutes, everyone was let back in and volunteers quickly continued to their duties.

The rest, as you say, is history. We had beautiful performances by our wonderful Sulli talent as well as breath-taking moves by our Sulli Junior Hip-Hop team and senior dancers Brandon and Jacob!

(By the way, a big thank you to the wonderful volunteers! You all did such a great job keeping calm during all of this, and you all made the carnival so much fun! Thank you!)

Below is a small collage of all that happened, enjoy!

Did you enjoy the carnival? Did you go? If you were at the carnival, what would you have liked to see? Let us know!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2 Review

♪ Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can
Spins a web any size
Catches thieves just like flies
Look out, here comes the Spiderman ♫

(Check out the retro Spiderman theme song!

The Amazing Spiderman 2 came out a little while back. Apparently full of beautiful special effects, my brother and I left for the theatre and went to go see ol' Spidey for ourselves! Like with Captain America: Winter Soldier, I'll give a quick spoiler-free summary of the movie and outline the pros and cons to the movie in my opinion. Again, this is because a movie is only as good as the viewer. If someone hates superhero movies and were to see this, they'd absolutely despise it. If a regular person were to see this, they might also hate for their own reasons. For me, I really enjoyed this movie! Andrew Garfield plays a pretty awesome Spidey. Well anyways, chacun son goût. Let's get started with the review!


The movie takes place about two years after Amazing Spiderman 1 (we can tell because the protagonists were in highschool in this movie's prequel and are now graduating). So Peter Parker is still with Gwen Stacy... Kind of. The promise he made to Gwen's father in the previous movie is still kinda haunting him. He's conflicted whether or not to stay with her or to stay away. Furthermore, a seemingly innocent and unimportant character; Max Dillon, somehow finds his way into a giant mess of things. Then Peter's childhood friend pops up, couple-issues with Gwen and Peter and one of the biggest side-plots: Peter's parents. I won't delve into too much, but there's a lot going on here.


  • The movie was solid! You really can feel all the characters emotion and how everything is falling (... wow, too soon me. Too soon.) into place. Most of the loose ends get tied up and movie is very enjoyable to watch
  • To make reference to what I just said: actors. FANTASTIC! Characters feel real and I felt I could sympathize with all of them
  • Stan Lee is there, and that's always nice.
  • The new villain, Electrode, is scary and twisted and dark. Fantastically played by Jamie Foxx despite me feeling that it was awkward at first. The awkwardness was his CHARACTER. Again, character department is awesome.
  • Side plot of Peter's parents adds a bit of depth. The backstory of a hero is always appreciated
  • Did you notice that Spiderman was really funny and sarcastic? GOOD! That's how he's SUPPOSED to be!
  • This movie was funny! Lots of times the theatre started laughing, which is always appreciated.
  • Visual effects are STUNNING. A beautiful colour palette was chosen by the creators/designers of the movie and it really goes a long way
  • This movie has a lot left open for more movies, which is great - more Spidey for everybody!


    The main problem, I feel, was the quick drop of plot and characters. Yes, both these aspects of the movie were very good. But the minute Peter discovers the truth about his parents, it feels like he drops it too quickly. "Oh my parents were really like this? Okay then, back to doing something else!" It felt that there was no thought about it once the truth was set free. Also, Max Dillon. He's a sweet awkward guy at the very beginning and the transition between him and Electrode seems WAY too sudden. Also, where did he come up with all that stuff about him being in a merciless and cold, dark place? And where did he get the idea for Electrode? Was he planning this? Why does it seem, all of a sudden, so clear? I thought he didn't like hurting people, and now all of a sudden he feels like being a God? What?
  • Do you like Gwen? ... You'll see why.
Have you seen this movie yet? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments!

Sullivan Height's Annual Carnival

Every year near the end of May, Sullivan's student council holds a carnival to celebrate the end of the school year! This year is no different in that there are a ton of things to look forward to. On May 22nd from 3:30 - 6pm, students will be able to enjoy a wide range of games, food and entertainment that will leave them satisfied for the day.


As always, student council has rented a bouncy house for every person to jump and play in! As well, there will be face painting, henna and various other games set up by the school's Co-Op class. In these games, you can win tickets that can get you some pretty neat prizes, such as small toys for your younger family members or a nice Tim Horton's giftcard that you can enjoy!


As you know, there's a lot of talent in our school! Set up in the middle of the hub will be live performances by various singers in the school, the Bhangra and dance teams! Wait! Do you know someone who'd like to perform? You better let them know! Student council is more than happy to have more performers show their talent, so be sure to tell them to pass by B206 and let Mrs. Becker know they're interested!


Ah, food. So delicious, and so so good. This year we're going to be serving the regular stuff: Hot dogs, chips, pop and water. BUT! This year we have a cotton candy machine! Want something sweet? Cotton candy. Want something light to just ease your appetite? Cotton candy. Want something typical of a carnival? Cotton. Candy. Enough said. Prices will be nice and clear too, so just look at the signs and make your purchases!

Excited for the carnival? Any plans on what you're going to play? Let us know!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 2014 Disney Trip!

During May 4-8, students who normally volunteer in the school were given the opportunity to go to a trip to Disneyland in order to be a part of leadership workshops called the "Disneyland Youth Education Series". Throughout the 4 days and nights, the "SHS Disney Crew" were taught how to be strong, caring leaders and were put into the shoes of Walt Disney himself who faced constant adversity and challenges while building his wildly-loved magical kingdom.

The first workshop that students went through talked about the Four C's of being a leader - Curiosity, Confidence, Courage and Constancy. Throughout a series of activities and deeply thought-out games, the students were taught how each trait is vital in life and in any task they are in. In this workshop, students were asked to talk about their traits, what their dreams were and were told the story of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and how Walt Disney lost him and much of his hard work.

From the first workshop alone, students were already saying they felt changed.

The next workshop that took place focused on confidence and keeping your dreams. Involving pylons, a rope treehouse area and a few moments of honesty, students were taught that for all the doubts they worried about and all the negative traits they saw in themselves, there were a billion other happier things that countered them. Here, students learned that in realizing that there was a lot of good rather than bad in them, they could accomplish anything.

As a student that took part in this program, I still feel absolutely honoured and blessed that I could go. This workshop was short, but long enough and meaningful enough to really change me as a person. By being in this, I became much more confident and happier than I can even remember.

I'm sure many other kids feel the same and would love to talk about their stories.

Thankfully, there's a blog (made by the lovely Mrs. Becker) about our trip!

Have any questions about the trip? Have you done a program like this before? Let us know in the comments!